Demystifying Background Checks: Essential Things to Keep in Mind

  • Background checks are essential for employers to assess job candidates and make informed hiring decisions. 
  • Types of background checks include criminal history, education & credential verification, reference checks, and credit checks. 
  • Effective background checks include identifying the purpose, gathering necessary info, utilizing reliable sources, and verifying information obtained. 
  • Hiring a private detective or investigative agency may be necessary for more in-depth investigations into someone’s background. 
  • When choosing an investigative agency, conducting research, reading reviews, and asking for recommendations from trusted sources are crucial.

Background checks have become a standard in today’s workforce. A simple name search is no longer enough to guarantee that an employee is a good fit for a company, which is why background checks are essential.

Employers conduct background checks to assess whether the information in resumes or applications is true and accurate. But what are background checks, and what should you be aware of before undergoing one or carrying it out for others?

The primary goal of background checks is to obtain an accurate and comprehensive overview of a person’s past. This, in turn, helps employers make informed hiring decisions or assess employees’ eligibility for promotions, training, or sensitive roles.

Without background checks, companies risk hiring individuals who could pose a risk to the team or the organization. In some scenarios, this can lead to legal and financial repercussions for a business, including workplace harassment, embezzlement, and fraud.

Types of Background Checks

There is no one-size-fits-all background check. It typically depends on the employer’s or industry’s standards and the role for which the person is applying. Below are some of the most common types of background checks that employers carry out:

Criminal History Checks

Criminal history checks aim to verify if the person has a criminal record, including felonies, misdemeanors, and other significant legal issues. It can also provide information about the charges’ severity, arrests and convictions’ dates, and court jurisdiction.

Education and Credential Verification

Verifying an applicant’s education and credentials can help employers confirm that an applicant has the necessary qualifications for a position. Employers may request transcripts or contact schools to confirm an applicant’s educational history.

They may also contact professional associations or licensing boards to confirm any certifications or licenses an applicant claims to hold.

Reference Checks

Reference checks involve contacting an applicant’s previous employers or other references to learn more about their work history and skills. Employers may ask open-ended questions about an applicant’s strengths and weaknesses, work ethic, and ability to work as part of a team.

It is important to remember that reference checks are not a replacement for thorough interviews and evaluations but rather an additional tool to help employers make informed decisions about candidates.

Credit Checks

Credit checks are typically used for positions that handle money or sensitive financial information. Employers may review an applicant’s credit report to evaluate their financial responsibility and identify any markers of potential risk.

However, employers must obtain written permission from applicants before conducting a credit check and comply with federal and state laws regarding credit reporting.

Conducting Effective Background Checks

A comprehensive background check involves several crucial steps that must be followed to ensure that the information obtained is accurate, reliable, and legally defensible.

The following steps are essential when conducting adequate background checks:

Identifying the Purpose and Scope of the Check

Before conducting any background check, it is essential to identify why you need the assessment and what information you wish to obtain. It helps ensure you only collect necessary and relevant information for your needs.

Gathering Necessary Information and Documentation

The next step is to identify and gather the necessary documentation to provide valuable information about the individual in question. This may include employment records, criminal records, credit reports, educational records, and more.

Utilizing Reliable Sources and Databases

Background checks require access to a wealth of information sources. Depending on the information needed, you may need to consult criminal records databases, employment records, education databases, public records, and other platforms. To guarantee reliable and accurate information, it is essential to consult reputable and reliable sources.

Validating and Verifying Information Obtained

Once you have collected the information you need, verifying the information’s accuracy and relevance is essential. Validation may require contacting previous employers, educational institutions, or other relevant sources to confirm the information obtained.

a young woman using a magnifying glass

Hiring Private Detectives for Background Checks

Hiring a private detective or investigative agency may be necessary for some background checks, especially for more in-depth investigations.

Private detectives are licensed professionals specializing in conducting investigations. They are often engaged in investigating complex or sensitive matters that require a higher level of expertise.

Private detectives have the skills, connections, and resources to conduct more in-depth investigations. They may also have access to specialized databases and information sources that may not be available to the public.

Before engaging a private detective, it is essential to understand the legal considerations and regulations governing their activities. Private detectives are required to operate within the confines of the law, and any potential client must ensure they are engaging a licensed and reputable agency.

Engaging a reputable and trustworthy detective agency is crucial when conducting background checks. To ensure you engage the right investigative agency, conduct thorough research, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from trusted sources.

man in black with blurred background

Background checks have become an essential element of today’s workforce. Employers execute background checks to verify the authenticity of the candidate’s resume, conduct a comprehensive overview of their past, and ensure that they pose no risk to the team or company.

Different background checks can provide information about a person’s criminal history, education and credentials, job experience, and credit history. While background checks may seem invasive to some, they are essential to protect businesses and employees from potential harm.