How to Make Your Divorce Less Painful

When walking down the aisle on their wedding day, no couple dreams that in a few short years they’d be looking to separate. You don’t need London’s top divorce lawyer to tell you this. At this time, you’re likely to be lost in the dreams of building a home and raising a family. Research indicates … Read more

Know Your Rights as a Truck Driver

Truck Driver Rights

Many truck drivers are ignorant of their rights when taking on a job, and it makes them susceptible to exploitation. A good understanding of your rights as a truck driver can help you avoid abuse when taking on a job. Despite moving over 70 percent of the ground freight in the country, truck drivers remain … Read more

Child Custody Arrangements in the UK: Factors to Consider

a mother holding her child

Some of the legal issues associated with divorce and family law include child custody, prenuptial agreements, and family mediation. According to, child custody law determines which parent is to be responsible for the care and charge of children following a parental breakup. Child custody can also be called residency as it refers to the … Read more

Smart Ways to Protect Your Wealth

Businessman counting his money

The last thing that you want after accumulating a considerable amount of wealth is to run into a situation that compels you to part with a chunk of it. With proper asset protection, you can keep your wealth safe. Have you ever heard of the homeless man who was sued for all his life savings? … Read more

Telltale Signs of a Distracted Driver

Woman on the phone while driving

There are places where you just shouldn’t use your phone: in the theater, at an important meeting, or at a restaurant. One of these recognized places should be behind the wheel, since distracted driving – like texting or eating while driving – results in thousands of lives lost per year, having claimed 3,450 lives in … Read more

Can We Protect Our Seniors? The Problem of Elder Financial Abuse

Elderly woman using a laptop

In 2011, an elderly gentleman went to the US Senate to testify against elder abuse. He was only one of many seniors who experienced financial and psychological abuse from their caregivers, especially family members. But this gentleman was no ordinary man. He was Hollywood actor Mickey Rooney. Rooney’s testimony to the US Special Senate Committee … Read more