Common Cases Families Need to Fix in Court

going through divorce

Family law encompasses a broad range of cases and scenarios and isn’t limited to dealing with divorce and child custody cases. While most couples enter into a marriage and have kids under the pretense that their bond will last—that’s not always the case, especially in the United States, where 39% of marriages end in divorce. … Read more

Four Factors to Consider When Creating a Custody Parenting Schedule

little girl covering her ears while her parents are arguing

There are times when a marriage doesn’t go as planned. When this happens, it’s always ideal to have parents come to their agreement so they can focus on the best interests of their child. Family Relationships Online, an Australian Government initiative, says that creating a joint custody parenting schedule with your former partner is crucial … Read more

Pointers for Cyclists Riding Through Busy Roads


Riding a bicycle can be a good travel option since it’s lightweight and allows you to keep your fitness up while producing less harmful emissions for the environment. As long as you have the endurance for it, there’s no downside to making this your primary way of getting around. That said, busy roads with lots … Read more

Child Support and Alimony: What You Need To Know

during a divorce trial

If you and your spouse are divorcing and there are children involved, child support and alimony is something you’ll need to think about. Here’s everything you need to know about it. What is child support? Child support is monthly payments mandated by the court once you and your spouse are formally separated or divorced and … Read more

Practical Ways on Coping with Disability

lawyer with client

A disability is something that can change one’s perspective. Most of the time, it brings a negative and dismal spirit to the person affected. This situation brings about the disparity of ordinary life and a limited one. How can one cope when a disability strikes someone? Here are some practical ways to overcome this. Get … Read more

Debt Collection: How to Handle Delinquent Payers

person doing finances

Whether you are a creditor’s representative or you’re handling your own business’ debt collection, there’s always a chance of facing a delinquent payer. This is the type of payer that is refusing to pay even after multiple notices and is showing no intention of paying their debt. As a creditor, how can you handle this … Read more

How Commercial Drivers Can Combat Drowsy Driving

truck driver

Drowsy driving happens when the motorist is too tired or sleepy to remain focused and alert. Estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reveal that this problem in 2013 caused 72,000 crashes and 800 fatalities. Drowsy driving affects all drivers, including commercial truckers. One of the reasons behind this problem is that some trucking … Read more

How to Help a Family Member Accused of a Crime

talking to a defense lawyer

While it may seem like a rare occurrence, the reality is that many people can easily get accused of a crime. When this happens, it would be stressful for both you and the accused. However, what is important is how you deal with it and moving on to the next steps to help them get … Read more