When Can You File a Suit for Wrongful Death

wrongful death accusation

A wrongful death accusation arises when someone has died due to the carelessness or negligence of a third party. The family of the deceased can bring about this lawsuit to seek damages for the emotional and financial burden brought upon them by the negligent third party due to the death of their relative. It is … Read more

Ways to Protect Your Family from a Probate

probate on a stamp

Nobody wants to see their families go through the legal process of probate. It’s expensive, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. The reason why we work so hard now while we still can is that we want to leave something behind for our families. We want to make sure they are happy. We save and invest because … Read more

How the Bail Bond Process Works: From Start to Finish

Bail Bonds Sign in Window

According to the legal principle of Presumption of Innocence,  every citizen is assumed innocent until they are proven guilty. Detaining a person for several days or weeks violates their constitutional right to an immediate trial. The bail bond system is one way to secure your rights. Not everyone, however, is allowed to be released on … Read more

Understanding Work-Related Vehicle Crashes

Vehicle Crash

Millions of employees ride a vehicle as part of their everyday jobs. However, it also means that millions are at risk of motor vehicle crashes and injuries each year. Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that in 2013 alone, employers had to pay over $25 billion for various expenses. The money spent went to … Read more

What Are Some Misconceptions About Divorce Mediation?

divorce attorneys

Some of the common misconceptions about mediation for divorcing couples include an unfair advantage to one party, a prolonged time before settling, and even a belief that it’s only for cowards. If you live in New York, the process of divorce mediation in Long Island and other cities will typically involve five stages. Remember that … Read more

London: Soft on Crime but Harsh on Words

a killer person with sharp knife

London has fallen into a dark pit of identity politics, and there seems to be little hope of it getting out. Thought crimes or crimes that offend another person’s feeling are dealt with harshly while real crimes that cause harm and even death are treated with kid gloves. Stabbings, Stabbings, Stabbings The UK recorded close … Read more

Understanding Non-probate and Probate Property

consulting a lawyer

There is a lot of confusion surrounding a probate court process including the costs, time spent, and whether one can avoid it. Understanding the basics can help remove some of the confusion. A non-probate asset is one where there is a beneficiary or a joint tenancy with the right of survivorship. In a probate asset, … Read more

Representation and Rights: An Employee’s List of Needs

Company Employees

As an employee of any company, it is your right to know your benefits and advantages for working. In the best-case scenario, your employers are transparent about what you deserve and give these benefits without a fuss. However, there may come a time when they will forget or neglect their responsibilities. Here are your basic … Read more